launchdarkly_dart_common library
- ApplicationInfo
- Application metadata may be used by LaunchDarkly analytics or other product features.
TTaskReturn> - A queue, with a depth of 1, which allows for pending async actions to be replaced.
- AttributeReference
- An attribute name or path expression identifying a value within an LDContext.
- CommonDefaultConfig
- ConcreteEnvReporter
- CustomEvent
- CustomEventSerialization
- DefaultEventProcessor
- DeviceInfo
- DiagnosticConfigData
- DiagnosticId
- DiagnosticInitEvent
- DiagnosticPlatformData
- DiagnosticSdkData
- DiagnosticsManager
- DiagnosticStatsEvent
- EnvironmentReport
- EnvironmentReporter
- An EnvironmentReporter is able to report various attributes of the environment in which the application is running. If a property is null, it means the reporter was unable to determine the value.
- EvalEvent
- EvalEventSerialization
- EventProcessor
- FlagCounter
- FlagSummary
- HttpClient
- HttpClient which automatically handles io/web differences.
- HttpProperties
- IdentifyEvent
- IdentifyEventSerialization
- LDAttributesBuilder
- A builder for constructing LDContextAttributes.
- LDBasicLogPrinter
- Basic log printer which will output all messages using print.
- LDContext
- A collection of attributes that can be referenced in flag evaluations and analytics events. A LDContext may contain information about a single context or multiple contexts differentiated by the "kind" attribute.
- LDContextAttributes
- Collection of attributes for a LDContext
- LDContextBuilder
- A builder to facilitate the creation of LDContexts. Note that the return type of kind is a LDAttributesBuilder that is used to define attributes for the specific kind of context you are creating.
- LDContextSerialization
T> -
Class returned by the "variation detail" methods such as
, combining the result of the evaluation with an explanation of how it was calculated. - LDEvaluationDetailSerialization
- LDEvaluationReason
- Describes the reason that a flag evaluation produced a particular value.
- LDEvaluationReasonSerialization
- LDEvaluationResult
- This type represents the "Flag" model for client-side SDKs. It is common because server-side SDKs can generate data which is used by client-side SDKs for bootstrapping. So client-side SDKs consume this model and server-side SDKs produce it.
- LDEvaluationResultSerialization
- LDEvaluationResultsSerialization
- LDLogAdapter
- Interface used by log printers for use with the SDK. A custom implementation can be used to adapt the SDK log output to a logging framework of your choice.
- LDLogger
- Logging implementation used by the SDK. A default constructed logger will enable the level and will output messages using the LDBasicLogPrinter.
- LDLogRecord
- Represents a log entry from LDLogger. It can be used with an LDLogAdapter to control logging output from the SDK.
- LDValue
- An immutable instance of any data type that is allowed in JSON.
- LDValueArrayBuilder
- Builder for constructing an LDValueType.array typed LDValue.
- LDValueObjectBuilder
- Builder for constructing an LDValueType.object typed LDValue.
- LDValueSerialization
- On a major version change removing LDValueSerialization, and directly using fromDynamic and toDynamic, should be considered.
- OsInfo
- PrioritizedEnvReportBuilder
- Creates an EnvironmentReport that returns data from the provided config layer if available, otherwise falling back to the platform layer. Note is is possible to get data for, say, application info from one layer and then get device info from another layer.
- ServiceEndpoints
- Specifies the base service URLs used by SDK components.
- SummaryEvent
- SummaryEventSerialization
TTaskReturn> -
TTaskReturn> -
TTaskReturn> -
- LDErrorKind
- Enumerated type defining the defined error cases for an LDEvaluationReason with the kind LDKind.error.
- LDKind
- Enumerated type defining the possible reasons for a flag evaluation result, used in LDEvaluationReason.
- LDLogLevel
Logging levels that can be used with LDLogger.
Set the log level to one of these values when constructing a LDLogger
to control level of log messages are enabled.
Going from lowest importance (and most verbose) to most importance, the
levels are: LDLogLevel.debug,, LDLogLevel.warn,
and LDLogLevel.error.
You can also specify
instead to disable all logging. - LDValueType
- Describes the type of an LDValue. These correspond to the standard types in JSON.
- RequestMethod
- Http requests methods supported by the HTTP client.
- Headers on ApplicationInfo
- Creates header map from application info, omitting any properties that are missing.
on Iterable<
TItem> -
on Iterable<
T> -
on List<
T> -
Compare the contents of two lists using those items equality comparisons.
This does not recursively apply this operation to lists/maps within the
array. Items will be compared using
, so nested/lists maps will use reference comparison. -
on Map<
K, V> -
Compare the contents of two maps using those items equality comparisons.
This does not recursively apply this operation to lists/maps within the
map. Items will be compared using
, so nested lists/maps will use reference comparison.
String base, String path) → String - Appends a path to a URL or existing url+path. The path should start with a '/'. If the base includes a trailing '/', then it will be removed.
Duration? value, Duration defaultValue) → Duration -
is null, or <=0, then return the default value. -
Duration defaultDuration, Duration? desired, Duration min) → Duration -
If the
value is null, or less than min, then return the default. -
num status) → bool - Check if the HTTP error is recoverable. This will return false if a request made with any payload could not recover. If the reason for the failure is payload specific, for instance a payload that is too large, then it could recover with a different payload.
num status) → bool - Returns true if the status could recover for a different payload.
String input) → String - Hashes the input, base64 encodes result, then sanitizes it for URL usage.