launch static method

Future<void> launch({
  1. String? androidAppId,
  2. String? iOSAppId,
  3. bool writeReview = true,
  4. bool isiOSBeta = false,

Note: It will not work with the iOS Simulator.

Set writeReview to false to only show the app store page. Used only in iOS.


static Future<void> launch(
    {String? androidAppId,
    String? iOSAppId,
    bool writeReview = true,
    bool isiOSBeta = false}) async {
  await _channel.invokeMethod('launch', {
    'android_id': androidAppId,
    'ios_id': iOSAppId,
    'write_review': writeReview,
    'is_ios_beta': isiOSBeta