Laravel Json Api

This package was created to consume an API based on the JSON:API spec made in Laravel with the help of the cloudcreativity/laravel-json-api package.


  • Schemas
  • Custom headers (Accept, Content-Type, Authorization, etc)
  • JSON:API Formatter
  • Http requests (GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE, PUT)
  • Filter resources
  • Get related resources
  • Get relationships
  • Exception handling


Install in dart

  dart pub add laravel_json_api

Install in flutter

  flutter pub add laravel_json_api


Connecting with our server

import 'package:laravel_json_api/laravel_json_api.dart';

Adapter adapter = ApiController('', '/api/v1');

(No need to add http or https protocol)
To use the adapter in our entire application we can wrap it in some state handler, we recommend using provider.


By default these are the values of the following headers:

Header Value
Accept application/vnd.api+json
Content-Type application/vnd.api+json

But they can be overwritten.

import 'package:laravel_json_api/laravel_json_api.dart';

ApiController controller = ApiController('', '/api/v1');
controller.addHeader('Authorization', 'Beaer token');
controller.addHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
controller.addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');

Adapter adapter = api;

Create Schemas

Schemas provide getters and setters that help us transform responses into objects with their own attributes, relationships, related objects and errors.

For this example we will use a simple blog:

import 'package:laravel_json_api/laravel_json_api.dart';

class Article extends Schema {
  Article(ResourceObject resourceObject) : super(resourceObject);
  Article.init(String type) : super.init(type);


  String get title => getAttribute<String>('title');
  set title(String value) => setAttribute<String>('title', value);

  String get slug => getAttribute<String>('slug');
  set slug(String value) => setAttribute<String>('slug', value);

  String get content => getAttribute<String>('content');
  set content(String value) => setAttribute<String>('content', value);

  String get image => getAttribute<String>('image');
  set image(String value) => setAttribute<String>('image', value);

  String? get authorId => idFor('user');
  set author(User model) => setHasOne('author', model);
  Object? get relatedAuthor => includedDoc('users', 'user');

  String? get categoryId => idFor('category');
  set category(Category model) => setHasOne('category', model);
  Object? get relatedCategory => includedDoc('categories', 'category');

class Category extends Schema {
  Category(ResourceObject resourceObject) : super(resourceObject);
  Category.init(String type) : super.init(type);


  String get name => getAttribute<String>('name');
  set name(String value) => setAttribute<String>('name', value);

  String get slug => getAttribute<String>('slug');
  set slug(String value) => setAttribute<String>('slug', value);

  String get image => getAttribute<String>('image_cover');
  set image(String value) => setAttribute<String>('image_cover', value);

  Iterable<String> get articlesId => idsFor('articles');
  Iterable<Object> get articles => includedDocs('articles');

class User extends Schema {
  User(ResourceObject resourceObject) : super(resourceObject);
  User.init(String type) : super.init(type);


  String get firstName => getAttribute<String>('first_name');
  set firstName(String value) => setAttribute<String>('first_name', value);

  String get email => getAttribute<String>('email');
  set email(String value) => setAttribute<String>('email', value);

  Iterable<String> get articlesId => idsFor('articles');
  Iterable<Object> get articles => includedDocs('articles');

All schema methods

  • String? idFor(String relationshipName)
  • String? typeFor(String relationshipName)
  • Map<String, dynamic> dataForHasOne(String relationshipName)
  • Iterable<dynamic>? dataForHasMany(String relationshipName)
  • Iterable<String> idsFor(String relationshipName)
  • Iterable<ResourceObject> includedDocs(String type,[Iterable<String>? ids])
  • ResourceObject? includedDoc(String type, String relationshipName)
  • void clearErrorsFor(String attributeName)
  • bool get hasErrors
  • bool attributeHasErrors(String attributeName)
  • Iterable<String> errorsFor(String attributeName)
  • void clearErrors()
  • void addErrorFor(String attributeName, String errorMessage)
  • void setHasOne(String relationshipName, LaravelJsonApiModel model)

Getting data

All of these actions are asynchronous and return a specific value.

Find One

Future<Article> getOneArticle(String id) async {
    Article article =
        Article(await adapter.find('articles', id) as ResourceObject);

    return article;


Optionally we can send the forceReload parameter to cache this resource, and the queryParam to sort or include relationships.

Future<Article> getOneArticle(String id) async {
    Article article = Article(await adapter.find('articles', id,
        forceReload: true,
        queryParams: {'include': 'category,user'}) as ResourceObject);

    return article;

GET |,user

Find All

Future<Iterable<Article>> getAllArticles() async {
    Iterable<Article> articles = (await adapter.findAll('articles'))
        .map<Article>((article) => Article(article as ResourceObject))

    return articles;


More getting requests

  • Future<Iterable<Object>> findManyById(String endpoint, Iterable<String> ids, {Map<String, String> queryParams})
  • Future<Iterable<Object>> getRelated(String endpoint, String id, String relationshipName)
  • Future<Iterable<Object>> filter(String endpoint, String filterField, Iterable<String> values, {Map<String, String> queryParams})

Writing data

Article article = Article.init('articles');
article.title = 'Title';
article.content = 'Content';
article.user = user;
article.category = category;

Create resource

Future saveArticle(Article article) async {
  await'articles', article.jsonApiDoc);

Update resource

Article article = Article(await adapter.find('articles', '1') as ResourceObject);
article.title = 'Title Update';

await'articles', article.jsonApiDoc);

Replace relationship

Article article = Article(await adapter.find('articles', '1') as ResourceObject);
Category newCategory = Category(await adapter.find('categories', '2') as ResourceObject);

await adapter.replaceRelationship('articles', 'category', article, newCategory);

Delete resource

Article article = Article(await adapter.find('articles', '1') as ResourceObject);

await adapter.delete('articles', article);

