reduce<Type> function
Reduces a list of objects to a single object by concatenating them.
- A list of strings will be concatenated.
- A list of chat messages will be concatenated into a single chat message.
- A list of language model results will be concatenated into a single language model result.
- A list of documents will be concatenated into a single document.
- A list of lists will be reduced to a single list containing a single reduced item.
- A list of maps will be reduced to a single map containing the reduced items.
- If a type is not recognized, the last item in the list will be returned.
Type reduce<Type>(final Iterable<Type> input) {
if (input.isEmpty) {
throw Exception('Cannot reduce an empty list');
} else if (input.length == 1) {
return input.first;
final first = input.first;
return switch (first) {
String() => input.cast<String>().join(),
ChatMessage() =>
input.cast<ChatMessage>().reduce((final a, final b) => a.concat(b)),
PromptValue() =>
input.cast<PromptValue>().reduce((final a, final b) => a.concat(b)),
LanguageModelResult() => input
.reduce((final a, final b) => a.concat(b)),
Document() =>
input.cast<Document>().reduce((final a, final b) => a.concat(b)),
Iterable<String>() => _reduceIterable(input.cast<Iterable<String>>()),
Iterable<Object>() => _reduceIterable(input.cast<Iterable<Object>>()),
Iterable<dynamic>() => _reduceIterable(input.cast<Iterable<dynamic>>()),
Map<String, String>() => _reduceMap(input.cast<Map<String, String>>()),
Map<String, Object>() => _reduceMap(input.cast<Map<String, Object>>()),
Map<String, dynamic>() => _reduceMap(input.cast<Map<String, dynamic>>()),
Map<dynamic, dynamic>() => _reduceMap(input.cast<Map<dynamic, dynamic>>()),
_ => input.last,
} as Type;