RunnableMapInputStream<RunInput extends Object, RunOutput extends Object> constructor

const RunnableMapInputStream<RunInput extends Object, RunOutput extends Object>(
  1. Stream<RunOutput> inputStreamMapper(
    1. Stream<RunInput> inputStream

A RunnableMapInputStream allows you to map the input stream to a different stream of values.

You can create a RunnableMapInputStream using the Runnable.mapInputStream static method.

When you call stream on a RunnableMapInputStream, it will take the input stream it receives and returns the output stream returned by the given inputStreamMapper function.


final model = ChatOpenAI(
  apiKey: openAiApiKey,
  defaultOptions: ChatOpenAIOptions(
    responseFormat: ChatOpenAIResponseFormat(
      type: ChatOpenAIResponseFormatType.jsonObject,
final parser = JsonOutputParser<ChatResult>();
final mapper = Runnable.mapInputStream((Stream<Map<String, dynamic>> inputStream) async* {
  yield await inputStream.last;

final chain = model.pipe(parser).pipe(mapper);

final stream =
    'Output a list of the countries france, spain and japan and their '
        'populations in JSON format. Use a dict with an outer key of '
        '"countries" which contains a list of countries. '
        'Each country should have the key "name" and "population"',
await stream.forEach((final chunk) => print('$chunk|'));
// {countries: [{name: France, population: 65273511}, {name: Spain, population: 46754778}, {name: Japan, population: 126476461}]}|


const RunnableMapInputStream(this.inputStreamMapper)
    : super(defaultOptions: const RunnableOptions());