agents library
Contains core abstractions related to agents.
- Agent
- An agent is a component that takes an input and a set of tools and decides what to do to get to the desired output.
- AgentAction
- Agent's action to take.
- AgentFinish
- Agent's return value.
- AgentPlanInput
- Input to the agent's plan method.
- AgentStep
- A action taken by the agent along with the observation of the action.
- BaseActionAgent
- Base class for action agents.
- BaseAgentAction
- Base class for agent actions.
- BaseMultiActionAgent
- Base class for multi action agents.
- BaseSingleActionAgent
- Base class for single action agents.
- RunnableAgent
- An agent implemented from a Runnable.
- AgentEarlyStoppingMethod
- Method to use for early stopping if the agent never returns AgentFinish.