parse static method
static Graph<DependencyNode, DependencyEdge> parse(
Iterable<Pubspec> pubspecs) {
final graph = Graph<DependencyNode, DependencyEdge>();
for (final pubspec in pubspecs) {
// Check if the node already exists and update its isInternal flag
final existingNode = graph.nodes[];
final pubspecNode =
existingNode ?? DependencyNode(, isInternal: true);
if (existingNode != null) {
existingNode.isInternal =
true; // Update isInternal if the node already exists
} else {
// Add dependencies for the current pubspec
for (final entry in pubspec.dependencies.entries) {
final dependencyName = entry.key;
// Add or find the dependency node
final dependencyNode = graph.nodes[dependencyName] ??
DependencyNode(dependencyName, isInternal: false);
if (!graph.nodes.containsKey(dependencyName)) {
// Create an edge between the pubspec and its dependency
final edge = DependencyEdge(pubspecNode, dependencyNode);
return graph;