
A Flutter plugin for making payments with Kyrmannpay gateway


Add kyrmannpay_flutter to your pubspec.yaml file:

    kyrmannpay_flutter: <version>

Payment data

the following parameters are required in order to make payment:

. paymentData (Map<String, dynamic>) - Contains all necessary data to initialize payment namely:
- login (String): user login | Contact Kyrmannpay
- password (String): user encrypted password | Contact Kyrmannpay
- amount (int): purchase overall amount
- afid (int): Represents Service ID used by client | Provided by Kyrmannpay
- offerId (int): Represents ID of service proposed by client from SAV platform | Provided by Kyrmannpay
- cartId (String): Consumer purchase identifier | The length must be superior or equal to 5
- key (String): Represents Encryption key | Provided by Kyrmannpay
- iv (String): Represents iv key | Provided by Kyrmannpay

. callbackUrl (String): Represents callback url