groupAndTransformBy<K, V> method

Map<K, Iterable<V>> groupAndTransformBy<K, V>(
  1. K keySelector(
    1. E element
  2. V valueTransform(
    1. E element

Groups values returned by the valueTransform function applied to each element of the original collection by the key returned by the given keySelector function applied to the element and returns a Map where each group key is associated with a Iterable of corresponding values.


Map<K, Iterable<V>> groupAndTransformBy<K, V>(
  K Function(E element) keySelector,
  V Function(E element) valueTransform,
) {
  final groups = <K, Iterable<V>>{};

  for (final element in this) {
    final key = keySelector(element);

      () => where((element) => keySelector(element) == key)
          .map((element) => valueTransform(element)),

  return groups;