StringKt extension



containsDigit() bool
Check contain digit
decodeBase64() String?
Decode from base64 to readable text
encodeBase64() String?
Encode text to Base64
isAlpha() bool
Check text contains only letters
isDigit() bool
Check text contains only digit
isEmailValid() bool
Check email is valid
isLowerCase() bool
Check all letters is lower case
isNotNullEmpty() bool
Check text is not null and empty
isUpperCase() bool
Check all letters is upper case
last() String?
Get last character
plus(String text) String?
Merge text
reversed() String?
Reverse text
swapCase() String?
Change given text case For example change lower case to upper and upper to lower ('HeLlo worLd' => 'hElLO WORlD')
toCapitalize() String?
Capitalize first letter
toDouble() double?
Parse to double
toInt() int?
Parse to int
toTitleCase() String?
Capitalizes all words