filterTo<M extends KtMutableMap> method

M filterTo<M extends KtMutableMap>(
  1. M destination,
  2. bool predicate(
    1. KtMapEntry<K, V> entry

Appends all entries matching the given predicate into the mutable map given as destination parameter.

destination is not type checked by the compiler due to, but will be checked at runtime. M actually is expected to be M extends KtMutableMap<K, V>

@return the destination map.


// TODO Change to `M extends KtMutableMap<K, V>` once has been fixed
M filterTo<M extends KtMutableMap<dynamic, dynamic>>(
    M destination, bool Function(KtMapEntry<K, V> entry) predicate) {
  assert(() {
    if (destination is! KtMutableMap<K, V> && mutableMapFrom<K, V>() is! M) {
      throw ArgumentError("filterTo destination has wrong type parameters."
          "\nExpected: KtMutableMap<$K, $V>, Actual: ${destination.runtimeType}"
          "\ndestination (${destination.runtimeType}) entries aren't subtype of "
          "map ($runtimeType) entries. Entries can't be copied to destination."
    return true;
  for (final element in iter) {
    if (predicate(element)) {
      destination.put(element.key, element.value);
  return destination;