toCollection<C extends KtMutableCollection> method

C toCollection<C extends KtMutableCollection>(
  1. C destination

Appends all elements to the given destination collection.

destination is not type checked by the compiler due to, but will be checked at runtime. M actually is expected to be M extends KtMutableCollection<T>


// TODO Change to `M extends KtMutableCollection<T>` once has been fixed
C toCollection<C extends KtMutableCollection<dynamic>>(C destination) {
  assert(() {
    if (mutableListOf<T>() is! C) {
      throw ArgumentError(
          "toCollection destination has wrong type parameters."
          "\nExpected: KtMutableCollection<$T>, Actual: ${destination.runtimeType}"
          "\ndestination (${destination.runtimeType}) entries aren't subtype of "
          "map ($runtimeType) entries. Entries can't be copied to destination."
    return true;
  for (final item in iter) {
  return destination;