buildInlineStyle static method

CSSStyle? buildInlineStyle(
  1. Element element


static CSSStyle? buildInlineStyle(Element element) {
  List<CSSProperty> cssProperties = [];
  String cssText = '';
  element.inlineStyle.forEach((key, value) {
    String kebabName = _kebabize(key);
    String propertyValue = value.toString();
    String _cssText = '$kebabName: $propertyValue';
    CSSProperty cssProperty = CSSProperty(
      name: kebabName,
      value: value,
      range: SourceRange(
        startLine: 0,
        startColumn: cssText.length,
        endLine: 0,
        endColumn: cssText.length + _cssText.length + 1,
    cssText += '$_cssText; ';

  return CSSStyle(
    // Absent for user agent stylesheet and user-specified stylesheet rules.
    // Use eventTarget id to identity which element the rule belongs to.
    styleSheetId: element.targetId,
    cssProperties: cssProperties,
    shorthandEntries: <ShorthandEntry>[],
    cssText: cssText,
    range: SourceRange(startLine: 0, startColumn: 0, endLine: 0, endColumn: cssText.length)