paintOverflow method

void paintOverflow(
  1. PaintingContext context,
  2. Offset offset,
  3. EdgeInsets borderEdge,
  4. CSSBoxDecoration? decoration,
  5. PaintingContextCallback callback,


void paintOverflow(
  PaintingContext context,
  Offset offset,
  EdgeInsets borderEdge,
  CSSBoxDecoration? decoration,
  PaintingContextCallback callback
) {
  if (clipX == false && clipY == false) return callback(context, offset);

  final double paintOffsetX = _paintOffsetX;
  final double paintOffsetY = _paintOffsetY;
  final Offset paintOffset = Offset(paintOffsetX, paintOffsetY);
  // Overflow should not cover border.
  Rect clipRect = Offset(borderEdge.left, & Size(
    size.width - borderEdge.right - borderEdge.left,
    size.height - borderEdge.bottom -,
  if (_shouldClipAtPaintOffset(paintOffset, size)) {
    // ignore: prefer_function_declarations_over_variables
    PaintingContextCallback painter = (PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
      callback(context, offset + paintOffset);

    // If current or its descendants has a compositing layer caused by styles
    // (eg. transform, opacity, overflow...), then it needs to create a new layer
    // or else the clip in the older layer will not work.
    bool _needsCompositing = needsCompositing;

    if (decoration != null && decoration.hasBorderRadius) {
      BorderRadius radius = decoration.borderRadius!;
      Rect rect = & size;
      RRect borderRRect = radius.toRRect(rect);
      // A borderRadius can only be given for a uniform Border in Flutter.
      double? borderTop = renderStyle.borderTopWidth?.computedValue;
      // The content of overflow is trimmed to the padding edge curve.
      RRect clipRRect = borderTop != null
        ? borderRRect.deflate(borderTop)
        : borderRRect;

      // The content of replaced elements is trimmed to the content edge curve.
      if (this is RenderReplaced) {
        // @TODO: Currently only support clip uniform padding for replaced element.
        double paddingTop = renderStyle.paddingTop.computedValue;
        clipRRect = clipRRect.deflate(paddingTop);
      _clipRRectLayer.layer = context.pushClipRRect(_needsCompositing, offset, clipRect, clipRRect, painter, oldLayer: _clipRRectLayer.layer);
    } else {
      _clipRectLayer.layer = context.pushClipRect(_needsCompositing, offset, clipRect, painter, oldLayer: _clipRectLayer.layer);
  } else {
    _clipRectLayer.layer = null;
    _clipRRectLayer.layer = null;
    callback(context, offset);