launch function

void launch({
  1. KrakenBundle? bundle,
  2. bool? debugEnableInspector,
  3. Color background = _white,
  4. DevToolsService? devToolsService,
  5. HttpClientInterceptor? httpClientInterceptor,
  6. bool? showPerformanceOverlay = false,


void launch({
  KrakenBundle? bundle,
  bool? debugEnableInspector,
  Color background = _white,
  DevToolsService? devToolsService,
  HttpClientInterceptor? httpClientInterceptor,
  bool? showPerformanceOverlay = false
}) async {
  // Bootstrap binding.

  VoidCallback? _ordinaryOnMetricsChanged = window.onMetricsChanged;

  Future<void> _initKrakenApp() async {
    KrakenNativeChannel channel = KrakenNativeChannel();

    if (bundle == null) {
      String? backendEntrypointUrl = getBundleURLFromEnv() ?? getBundlePathFromEnv();
      backendEntrypointUrl ??= await channel.getUrl();
      if (backendEntrypointUrl != null) {
        bundle = KrakenBundle.fromUrl(backendEntrypointUrl);

    KrakenController controller = KrakenController(null, window.physicalSize.width / window.devicePixelRatio, window.physicalSize.height / window.devicePixelRatio,
      background: background,
      showPerformanceOverlay: showPerformanceOverlay ?? Platform.environment[ENABLE_PERFORMANCE_OVERLAY] != null,
      methodChannel: channel,
      entrypoint: bundle,
      devToolsService: devToolsService,
      httpClientInterceptor: httpClientInterceptor,
      autoExecuteEntrypoint: false,


    await controller.executeEntrypoint();

  // window.physicalSize are when app first loaded. This only happened on Android and iOS physical devices with release build.
  // We should wait for onMetricsChanged when window.physicalSize get updated from Flutter Engine.
  if (window.physicalSize == {
    window.onMetricsChanged = () async {
      if (window.physicalSize == {

      await _initKrakenApp();

      // Should proxy to ordinary window.onMetricsChanged callbacks.
      if (_ordinaryOnMetricsChanged != null) {
        // Recover ordinary callback to window.onMetricsChanged
        window.onMetricsChanged = _ordinaryOnMetricsChanged;
  } else {
    await _initKrakenApp();