size property

Size get size

The size that this CustomPaint should aim for, given the layout constraints, if there is no child.

If there's a child, this is ignored, and the size of the child is used instead.


Size get size {
  double? width;
  double? height;

  RenderStyle renderStyle = renderBoxModel!.renderStyle;
  double? styleWidth = renderStyle.width.isAuto ? null : renderStyle.width.computedValue;
  double? styleHeight = renderStyle.height.isAuto ? null : renderStyle.height.computedValue;

  if (styleWidth != null) {
    width = styleWidth;

  if (styleHeight != null) {
    height = styleHeight;

  // [width/height] has default value, should not be null.
  if (height == null && width == null) {
    width = this.width.toDouble();
    height = this.height.toDouble();
  } else if (width == null && height != null) {
    width = this.height / height * this.width;
  } else if (width != null && height == null) {
    height = this.width / width * this.height;

  return Size(width!, height!);