setLongitude method

void setLongitude({
  1. int? degrees,
  2. int? minutes,
  3. double? seconds,
  4. String? direction,
  5. double? longitude,

Method to set the longitude in degrees, minutes and seconds.

@param degrees The degrees of longitude to set between 0° and 180°. As an example 74 would be set for Lakewood, NJ. An IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if the value exceeds the limits. @param minutes minutes of arc @param seconds seconds of arc @param direction E for east of the Prime Meridian or W for west of it. An IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if the value is not E or W.


void setLongitude(
    {int? degrees,
    int? minutes,
    double? seconds,
    String? direction,
    double? longitude}) {
  if (longitude != null) {
    if (longitude > 180 || longitude < -180) {
      throw ArgumentError("Longitude must be between -180 and  180");
    _longitude = longitude;
  } else if (degrees == null ||
      minutes == null ||
      seconds == null ||
      direction == null) {
    throw ArgumentError(
        "Longitude must be between 0 and  180.  Use a direction of W instead of negative.");
  } else {
    double longTemp = degrees + ((minutes + (seconds / 60.0)) / 60.0);
    if (longTemp > 180 || _longitude < 0) {
      //FIXME An exception should be thrown if degrees, minutes or seconds are negative
      throw ArgumentError(
          "Longitude must be between 0 and  180.  Use a direction of W instead of negative.");
    if (direction == "W") {
      longTemp *= -1;
    } else if (direction != "E") {
      throw ArgumentError("Longitude direction must be E or W");
    _longitude = longTemp;