korean_learners_dictionary/korean_learners_dictionary library
- AbbreviationInfo
- (abbreviation_info)
- CategoryInfo
- 범주
- ConjugationInfo
- (conju_info) > (conjugation_info)
- DerivativeInfo
- Derivative
- DictionaryDefinitionTranslation
- ExampleInfo
- 용례
- Item
- XML element called "item".
- KoreanLearnersDictionary
- Helper class to access the Korean Learners Dictionary API by the National Institute of Korean Language.
- Linkeable
- Utility class with link fields to be inherited from.
- MultimediaInfo
- (multimedia_info)
- OriginalLanguageInfo
- (original_language_info)
- PatternInfo
- 문형
- PronunciationInfo
- (pronunciation_info)
- ReferenceInfo
- Reference Information
- RelatedInfo
- 관련어
- SearchItem
- Item coming from api/search
- Sense
- Word meaning.
- SenseInfo
- 의미
- SubwordInfo
- 부표제어
- Translation
- ViewItem
- Item coming from api/view
- ApiXmlElement
- Utility enum to get the XML element names for the API avoiding typos.
- PartOfSpeech
- Part-of-speech (Word class)
- SearchMethod
- 검색 방식(기본값 exact)
- Sort
- 정렬 방식(기본값 dict)
- TranslationLanguage
- (trans_lang) 전체(0), 영어(1), 일본어(2), 프랑스어(3), 스페인어(4), 아랍어(5), 몽골어(6), 베트남어(7), 타이어(8), 인도네시아어(9), 러시아어(10), 중국어(11)
- ViewMethod
- 검색 방식(기본값 word_info)
- WordGrade
- Word level.
- WordType
- 고유어 여부
- WordUnit
- 구성 단위