asMap static method

Map<String, Color> asMap()

Return all colors in KolorWhites as a Map<String, Color>.

Can be useful when working with UIs where the user can see all colors and select from a list.


static Map<String, Color> asMap() => {
      'white': white,
      'snow': snow,
      'honeyDew': honeyDew,
      'mintCream': mintCream,
      'azure': azure,
      'aliceBlue': aliceBlue,
      'ghostWhite': ghostWhite,
      'whiteSmoke': whiteSmoke,
      'seaShell': seaShell,
      'beige': beige,
      'oldLace': oldLace,
      'floralWhite': floralWhite,
      'ivory': ivory,
      'antiqueWhite': antiqueWhite,
      'linen': linen,
      'lavenderBlush': lavenderBlush,
      'mistyRose': mistyRose,