Klump Checkout Flutter Plugin

Flutter Plugin for implementing the Klump Checkout - Klump is a modern, simple to use platform that allows the user to collect payments from customers in instalments using a payment card (debit or credit) or a bank account.

Before getting started

  • Create a merchant account on useklump
  • Checkout our get started guide to create your mechant account and retrieve your API Keys.

Getting Started

This library would help you add Klump Checkout to your hybrid android/ios application in no time. All you need to do is ...


To use this plugin, add klump_checkout as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

  klump_checkout: ^1.0.1


Flow Summary

  1. Collect Klump checkout data.

  2. Initialize the KlumpWidget by creating an object of the KlumpWidget class with a named parameters passed to the constructor.

    • The named paramater is the public key of the merchant.
    • Call the checkout method with the context and data named paramaters to render the Klump checkout webview.
  3. Once request is successful, KlumpCheckoutResponse is return.


  • To start using this package, simply add the following to project pubspec.yaml
  klump_checkout: <lastest-version>


1. Permissions

To use this package, your android app must declare internet permission. Add the following code to the application level of your AndroidManifest.xml.

	<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

2. Initializing Plugin

To use [klump_checkout] SDK, you need to first initialize it by using the `KlumpWidget` class.

   KlumpWidget klumpWidget = KlumpWidget(
      publicKey: 'klp_pk_test_...');

3. Perform ckeckout with klump_checkout Web UI

Payment transaction can be made with the checkout method:


  • context is the view BuildContext.
  • data is the KlumpCheckoputData .

final res = await klumpWidget.checkout(
      context: context,
      data: const KlumpCheckoutData(
      amount: 45000,
      shippingFee: 5000,
      merchantReference: "what-ever-you-want-this-to-be",
      metaData: {
        'customer': "Elon Musk",
        'email': "musk@spacex.com",
      items: [
          itemUrl: 'https://www.paypal.com/in/webapps/mpp/home',
          name: 'Awesome item',
          unitPrice: 20000,
          quantity: 2,

