getCoalescedEvents method

JSArray<PointerEvent> getCoalescedEvents()

The getCoalescedEvents() method of the PointerEvent interface returns a sequence of PointerEvent instances that were coalesced (merged) into a single Element.pointermove_event or Element.pointerrawupdate_event event. Instead of a stream of many Element.pointermove_event events, user agents coalesce multiple updates into a single event. This helps with performance as the user agent has less event handling to perform, but there is a reduction in the granularity and accuracy when tracking, especially with fast and large movements.

The getCoalescedEvents() method lets applications access all un-coalesced position changes for precise handling of pointer movement data where necessary. Un-coalesced position changes are desirable in drawing applications, for instance, where having access to all events helps to build smoother curves that better match the movement of a pointer.

For an illustration of coalesced events, see Figure 7 in the specification.


external JSArray<PointerEvent> getCoalescedEvents();