innerHTML property
The Element property innerHTML
gets or sets the HTML or XML markup
contained within the element.
More precisely, innerHTML
gets a serialization of the nested child DOM
elements within the element, or sets HTML or XML that should be parsed to
replace the DOM tree within the element.
To insert the HTML into the document rather than replace the contents of an element, use the method Element.insertAdjacentHTML.
The serialization of the DOM tree read from the property does not include
— if you want to get a HTML string that includes shadow roots, you must
instead use the Element.getHTML or ShadowRoot.getHTML methods.
Similarly, when setting element content using innerHTML
, the HTML string
is parsed into DOM elements that do not contain shadow roots.
So for example
is parsed into as HTMLTemplateElement, whether or not the
attribute is specfied
In order to set an element's contents from an HTML string that includes
declarative shadow roots, you must use either Element.setHTMLUnsafe or
external JSAny get innerHTML;
external set innerHTML(JSAny value);