createDynamicsCompressor method

DynamicsCompressorNode createDynamicsCompressor()

The createDynamicsCompressor() method of the BaseAudioContext Interface is used to create a DynamicsCompressorNode, which can be used to apply compression to an audio signal.

Compression lowers the volume of the loudest parts of the signal and raises the volume of the softest parts. Overall, a louder, richer, and fuller sound can be achieved. It is especially important in games and musical applications where large numbers of individual sounds are played simultaneously, where you want to control the overall signal level and help avoid clipping (distorting) of the audio output.

Note: The DynamicsCompressorNode.DynamicsCompressorNode constructor is the recommended way to create a DynamicsCompressorNode; see Creating an AudioNode.


external DynamicsCompressorNode createDynamicsCompressor();