runBehavior<State, System> function

void runBehavior<State, System>(
  1. Behavior<State, System> behavior, {
  2. int? seed,
  3. int? maxCycles,
  4. int? maxSteps,
  5. int? maxCommandTries,
  6. int? maxShrinkingTries,
  7. int? maxShrinkingCycles,
  8. Timeout? cycleTimeout,
  9. void setUp()?,
  10. void tearDown()?,
  11. void onDestroy(
    1. Behavior<State, System>,
    2. System
  12. void onFalsify(
    1. StatefulFalsifyingExample<State, System>
  13. bool? ignoreFalsify,

Runs a stateful test.


  • behavior: The behavior to test.
  • seed: The seed to use for the random number generator. examples.
  • maxCycles: The maximum number of cycles to check.
  • maxSteps: The maximum number of steps of each cycle.
  • maxCommandTries: The maximum number of attempts to generate commands.
  • maxShrinkingTries: The maximum number of attempts to shrink failing examples.
  • maxShrinkingCycles: The maximum number of shrinking cycles.
  • cycleTimeout: The timeout for each cycle.
  • setUp: A function to run before each test case.
  • tearDown: A function to run after each test case.
  • onDestroy: A callback function that is called when system is destroyd.
  • onFalsify: A callback function that is called when a falsifying example is found.
  • ignoreFalsify: If set to true, the test will not be marked as failed even if a counterexample that falsifies the property is found. This allows the test to continue executing and attempting to verify the property with other examples, useful for logging or analysis purposes.


void runBehavior<State, System>(
  Behavior<State, System> behavior, {
  int? seed,
  int? maxCycles,
  int? maxSteps,
  int? maxCommandTries,
  int? maxShrinkingTries,
  int? maxShrinkingCycles,
  Timeout? cycleTimeout,
  void Function()? setUp,
  void Function()? tearDown,
  void Function(Behavior<State, System>, System)? onDestroy,
  void Function(StatefulFalsifyingExample<State, System>)? onFalsify,
  bool? ignoreFalsify,
}) {
  final property = StatefulProperty(
    settings: PropertySettings<State>(
      seed: seed,
      maxStatefulCycles: maxCycles,
      maxStatefulSteps: maxSteps,
      maxStatefulCommandTries: maxCommandTries,
      maxStatefulShrinkingCycles: maxShrinkingCycles,
      statefulCycleTimeout: cycleTimeout,
      ignoreFalsify: ignoreFalsify,
    setUp: setUp,
    tearDown: tearDown,
    onDestroy: onDestroy,
    onFalsify: onFalsify,