getFromSavedCredentials method

dynamic getFromSavedCredentials()


getFromSavedCredentials() async {
  Box box = await HiveService.getBox('credentials');
  var json = box.get('json');

  // If the OAuth2 credentials have already been saved from a previous run, we
  // just want to reload them.
  if (json != null) {
    var credentials = new oauth2.Credentials.fromJson(json);
    try {
      _client = oauth2.Client(credentials,
          identifier: GlobalVariables.identifier, secret: GlobalVariables.secret);
    } on SocketException catch (e) {
      dev.log('Socket Exception', name: libName, error: e);
      return GlobalVariables.connectionTimeCode;
    } on oauth2.AuthorizationException catch (e) {
      dev.log('Auth Exception', name: libName, error: e);
      return GlobalVariables.accessErrorCode;
    } on FormatException catch (e) {
      dev.log('Format Exception', name: libName, error: e);
      return e.message;
    GlobalVariables.token = _client!.credentials.accessToken;
    return _client;
  } else
    return null;