Precise Motion Tracking and Analysis SDK

Stay Ahead with KinesteX AI Motion Tracking.

Available Integration Options

Integration Options

Integration Option Description Features Details
Complete User Experience Leave it to us to recommend the best workout routines for your customers, handle motion tracking, and overall user interface. High level of customization based on your brand book for a seamless experience. - Long-term lifestyle workout plans
- Specific body parts and full-body workouts
- Individual exercise challenges (e.g., 20 squat challenge)
- Gamified AI Experiences
View Integration Options
Custom User Experience Integrate the camera component with motion tracking. Real-time feedback on all customer movements. Control the position, size, and placement of the camera component. - Real-time feedback on customer movements
- Communication of every repeat and mistake
- Customizable camera component position, size, and placement
View Details




Add the following permissions for camera and microphone usage:

<!-- Add this line inside the <manifest> tag -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false" />


Add the following keys for camera and microphone usage:

<string>Please grant access to camera to start AI Workout</string>

Install libraries

Add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml:

   kinestex_sdk_flutter: @latest
   permission_handler: ^11.3.1


Initial Setup

  1. Prerequisites: Ensure you’ve added the necessary permissions in AndroidManifest.xml and Info.plist.

  2. Launching the View: Initialize essential widgets, check, and request for camera permission before launching KinesteX.

Add to your Podfile:

post_install do |installer|
  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|

    target.build_configurations.each do |config|
      # You can remove unused permissions here
      # for more information:
      # e.g. when you don't need camera permission, just add 'PERMISSION_CAMERA=0'
      config.build_settings['GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS'] ||= [
        ## dart:


Request camera permission before launching KinesteX:

void _checkCameraPermission() async {
   if (await != PermissionStatus.granted) {

void _showCameraAccessDeniedAlert() {
      context: context,
      builder: (BuildContext context) {
         return AlertDialog(
            title: const Text("Camera Permission Denied"),
            content: const Text("Camera access is required for this app to function properly."),
            actions: <Widget>[
                  child: const Text("OK"),
                  onPressed: () {

Integration Options

functions Description
createMainView Integration of our Complete UX
createPlanView Integration of Individual Plan Component
createWorkoutView Integration of Individual Workout Component
createChallengeView Integration of Individual Exercise in a challenge form
createExperienceView Integration of AI Experience. Please contact support for more details
createCameraComponent Integration of our camera component with pose-analysis and feedback

Integration Steps:

  1. Identify the Integration Option(s) for your use-case

  2. Create a handleMessage function to process messages from KinesteX SDK:

 ValueNotifier<bool> showKinesteX = ValueNotifier<bool>(false);

void handleWebViewMessage(WebViewMessage message) {
  if (message is ExitKinestex) {
    // Handle ExitKinestex message
    setState(() {
      showKinesteX.value = false;
  }  else {
    // Handle other message types
    print("Other message received: ${}");
  1. Customize and display each integration option:

MAIN Integration Option

Available Categories to Sort Plans

Plan Category (key: planCategory)
Weight Management

Displaying the main view:

    apiKey: apiKey,
    companyName: company,
    isShowKinestex: showKinesteX,
    userId: userId,
    planCategory: PlanCategory.Cardio,  // plan category
    data: <String, dynamic>{ 'isHideHeaderMain': false }, // optional custom parameters
    isLoading: ValueNotifier<bool>(false),
    onMessageReceived: (message) {

PLAN Integration Option

    apiKey: apiKey,
    companyName: company,
    userId: userId,
    isShowKinestex: showKinesteX,
    planName: "Circuit Training", // specify the plan name here
    isLoading: ValueNotifier<bool>(false),
    onMessageReceived: (message) {

WORKOUT Integration Option

        apiKey: apiKey,
        isShowKinestex: showKinesteX,
        companyName: company,
        userId: userId,
        workoutName: "Fitness Lite", // specify the workout name here
        isLoading: ValueNotifier<bool>(false),
        onMessageReceived: (message) {

CHALLENGE Integration Option

        apiKey: apiKey,
        companyName: company,
        isShowKinestex: showKinesteX,
        userId: userId,
        exercise: "Squats", // Exercise title
        countdown: 100,
        isLoading: ValueNotifier<bool>(false),
        onMessageReceived: (message) {

EXPERIENCE Integration Option

        apiKey: apiKey,
        companyName: company,
        isShowKinestex: showKinesteX,
        userId: userId,
        experience: "box",
        isLoading: ValueNotifier<bool>(false),
        onMessageReceived: (message) {

CAMERA Integration Option

  1. Displaying KinesteXSDK:
        valueListenable: updateExercise,
        builder: (context, value, _) {
        return KinesteXAIFramework.createCameraComponent(
        apiKey: apiKey,
        companyName: company,
        isShowKinestex: showKinesteX,
        userId: userId,
        exercises: ["Squats", "Jumping Jack"],
        currentExercise: "Squats",
        updatedExercise: value,
        isLoading: ValueNotifier<bool>(false),
        onMessageReceived: (message) {
  1. Update current exercise by changing the notifier's value:
 updateExercise.value = 'Jumping Jack';
  1. Handle message for reps and mistakes a person has done:
    ValueNotifier<int> reps = ValueNotifier<int>(0);
    ValueNotifier<String> mistake = ValueNotifier<String>("--");
    void handleWebViewMessage(WebViewMessage message) {
      if (message is ExitKinestex) {
        // Handle ExitKinestex message
        setState(() {
          showKinesteX.value = false;
      } else if (message is Reps) {
        setState(() {
          reps.value =['value'] ?? 0;
      } else if (message is Mistake) {
        setState(() {
          mistake.value =['value'] ?? '--';
      } else {
        // Handle other message types
        print("Other message received: ${}");

Data Points

The KinesteX SDK provides various data points that are returned through the message callback. Here are the available data types:

Type Data Description
kinestex_launched dd mm yyyy hours:minutes:seconds When a user has launched KinesteX
exit_kinestex date: dd mm yyyy hours:minutes:seconds, time_spent: number Logs when a user clicks the exit button and the total time spent
plan_unlocked title: String, date: date and time Logs when a workout plan is unlocked by a user
workout_opened title: String, date: date and time Logs when a workout is opened by a user
workout_started title: String, date: date and time Logs when a workout is started by a user
exercise_completed time_spent: number, repeats: number, calories: number, exercise: string, mistakes: [string: number] Logs each time a user finishes an exercise
total_active_seconds number Logs every 5 seconds, counting the active seconds a user has spent working out
left_camera_frame number Indicates that a user has left the camera frame
returned_camera_frame number Indicates that a user has returned to the camera frame
workout_overview workout: string, total_time_spent: number, total_repeats: number, total_calories: number, percentage_completed: number, total_mistakes: number Logs a complete summary of the workout
exercise_overview [exercise_completed] Returns a log of all exercises and their data
workout_completed workout: string, date: dd mm yyyy hours:minutes:seconds Logs when a user finishes the workout and exits the workout overview
active_days (Coming soon) number Represents the number of days a user has been opening KinesteX
total_workouts (Coming soon) number Represents the number of workouts a user has done since starting to use KinesteX
workout_efficiency (Coming soon) number Represents the level of intensity with which a person has completed the workout


If you have any questions, contact: