getParentProp method

Prop<dynamic, T> getParentProp()


Prop<dynamic, T> getParentProp() {
  final parent = $parent;
  final prop = parent.getKind().props.singleWhere((prop) {
    return prop.isFieldIdenticalTo(parent, this);
  }, orElse: () {
    throw StateError(
      'Could not find property in the EntityKind.\n'
      'Make sure your class looks like the following:/\n'
      '    class YourClass extends Entity {/\n'
      '      static final EntityKind<YourClass> kind = EntityKind<YourClass>(\n'
      '        define: (c) {\n'
      '          // ...\n'
      '          c.addProp(Prop<YourClass, YourFieldType>(\n'
      '           id: 42,\n'
      '           name: \'yourField\',\n'
      '           field: (e) => e.yourField, // <---- IMPORTANT\n'
      '           kind: YourFieldKind(),\n'
      '          ));\n'
      '        },\n'
      '      );\n'
      '      // ...\n'
      '      late final Field<YourFieldType> yourField = Field<YourFieldType>(this);\n'
      '      // ...\n'
      '      @override\n'
      '      EntityKind<YourClass> getKind() => kind;\n'
      '    }\n',
  return prop as Prop<dynamic, T>;