jsonTreeEncode method

  1. @override
Object jsonTreeEncode(
  1. DateTimeWithTimeZone value, {
  2. JsonEncodingContext? context,

Converts the argument into a JSON tree.

Valid nodes in JSON trees

The method returns a tree, where nodes are instances of:

  • null
  • bool
  • double
  • String
  • List, where items are valid nodes.
  • Map<String,Object?>, where keys are strings and values are valid nodes.


Thrown errors are subclasses of GraphNodeError, which describes which node in the input graph caused the error.


import 'package:kind/kind.dart';

void main() {
  final date = Date(2020, 12, 31);
  final kind = DateKind();
  kind.jsonTreeEncode(date); // --> '2020-12-31'

Implementing this method

Implementations must use context to:

  • Serialize other values.
  • Construct errors.

If context is null, implementations must construct one with JsonDecodingContext().


Object jsonTreeEncode(DateTimeWithTimeZone value,
    {JsonEncodingContext? context}) {
  return value.toIso8601String();