validPhone method

StatusPhone validPhone(
  1. String phone

If it can valid it will return status true


StatusPhone validPhone(String phone) {
  //Begin with + sign or not with 855, or begin with 0 or not, and has 2 digits from 1 to 9, and has 2 digits of any number
  final pattern = new RegExp(r'^((\+?855)|(0?))([1-9][0-9])(\d{6,7})$');

  // correct format: +85512345678, 85512345678, 012345678, 12345678
  final replacedString = '855';
  String newString = '';

  if (phone.contains(pattern)) {
    newString = phone.replaceAllMapped(pattern, (match) {
      return '$replacedString${match[4]}${match[5]}';

  if (newString != '') {
    return StatusPhone(status: true, phone: newString);
  return StatusPhone(status: false, phone: null);