Keybinding constructor

const Keybinding(
  1. Iterable<KeyCode> keyCodes, {
  2. bool inclusive = false,
  3. String? debugLabel,

A set of KeyCodes used to bind callbacks to a combination of zero or more keys on a keyboard. See: Keybinder

keyCodes must not be null, but may be empty.

If inclusive is true, the Keybinding will be considered pressed if all of its keyCodes are currently pressed on the keyboard, regardless of whether any additional keys are pressed, as well. If false, the Keybinding will only be considered pressed if its keyCodes are the only keys currently pressed.

Note: Empty Keybindings are only triggered when no other keys are pressed, regardless of whether inclusive is true or not.


const Keybinding(this.keyCodes, {this.inclusive = false, this.debugLabel});