rotate method

  1. @override
Future<String> rotate({
  1. required Identifier controller,
  2. required List<PublicKey> currentKeys,
  3. required List<PublicKey> newNextKeys,
  4. required List<String> witnessToAdd,
  5. required List<String> witnessToRemove,
  6. required int witnessThreshold,
  7. dynamic hint,

Creates rotation event that needs to be signed externally.


Future<String> rotate(
    {required Identifier controller,
    required List<PublicKey> currentKeys,
    required List<PublicKey> newNextKeys,
    required List<String> witnessToAdd,
    required List<String> witnessToRemove,
    required int witnessThreshold,
    dynamic hint}) async {
  try {
    return await api.rotate(
        identifier: controller,
        currentKeys: currentKeys,
        newNextKeys: newNextKeys,
        witnessToAdd: witnessToAdd,
        witnessToRemove: witnessToRemove,
        witnessThreshold: witnessThreshold);
  } on FfiException catch (e) {
    if (e.message.contains('Can\'t parse controller')) {
      throw IdentifierException(
          'Can\'t parse controller prefix. Check the confroller for identifier once again.');
    if (e.message.contains('base64 decode error')) {
      throw IncorrectKeyFormatException(
          "The provided key is not a Base64 string. Check the string once again.");
    if (e.message.contains('Can\'t parse witness identifier')) {
      throw WitnessParsingException(
          'Can\'t parse witness identifier. Check the wittnessToRemove field.');
    if (e.message.contains('network error')) {
      throw OobiResolvingErrorException(
          "No service is listening under the provided port number. Consider changing it.");
    if (e.message.contains('Improper witness prefix')) {
      throw ImproperWitnessPrefixException(
          "Improper witness prefix, should be basic prefix. Check the eid field.");
    if (e.message.contains('Unknown id')) {
      throw IdentifierException(
          'Unknown controller identifier. Check the confroller for identifier once again.');
    if (e.message.contains('Can\'t parse oobi json')) {
      throw IncorrectOobiException(
          'Provided oobi is incorrect. Please check the JSON once again');