
Implementation of common, useful dialogs for displaying loading indicators, confirmation messages, content, error messages, and more. This README provides an overview of the project.

  • Strives to adhere to the design principles defined in Material 3.


  • showKDialogWithLoadingMessage:

    Displays a spinner with message and provides a function to stop the indicator.

        final close = await showKDialogWithLoadingMessage(context,message: "Loading Please Wait...");
        await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
  • showKDialogWithLoadingIndicator:

    Displays a spinner and provides a function to stop the indicator.

        final close = await showKDialogWithLoadingIndicator(context)
        await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
  • showBottomAlertKDialog:

    Displays a bottom modal that can show an error message, along with an option to retry, which returns a boolean 'true' if the retry action is taken.

        await showBottomAlertKDialog(context, message: "This is an error message", retryable: true);
  • showKDialogContent:

    Enables the display of content within a dialog and provides various additional operations.

       await showKDialogContent(
                closeOnOutsideTab: false,
                builder: (context) {
                return Column(
                    children: [
                    const Text("Hello there!!!"),
                        color: Colors.green,
                        width: 100.0,
                        height: 100.0,
  • showConfirmationKDialog:

    Displays a dialog with the option to cancel or accept, returning 'true' if the accept option is chosen.

      final response = await showConfirmationKDialog(context, title: "Confirm Message");
  • showAsyncProgressKDialog:

    Combines the various dialog implementations, enabling the ability to request confirmation, display loading indicators, show error dialogs, and present the retry option.

        // simple
     final resultvalue = await showAsyncProgressKDialog<String>(
                doProcess: () async {
                    await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2)); // process
                    return "value";
                showSuccessSnackBar: true,
    // retryable and  confirmationRequired
    final resultvalue = await showAsyncProgressKDialog<String>(
                doProcess: () async {
                    await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
                    throw "This is an error indicating that the process could not be completed";
                confirmationRequired: true,
                showSuccessSnackBar: true,
                loadingMessage: "Procesing...",
                retryable: true,



