isValid static method

bool isValid(
  1. String cnpj, [
  2. dynamic stripBeforeValidation = true


static bool isValid(String cnpj, [stripBeforeValidation = true]) {
  if (stripBeforeValidation) {
    cnpj = strip(cnpj);

  // cnpj must be defined
  if (cnpj.isEmpty) {
    return false;

  // cnpj must have 14 chars
  if (cnpj.length != 14) {
    return false;

  // cnpj can't be blacklisted
  if (BLACKLIST.indexOf(cnpj) != -1) {
    return false;

  String numbers = cnpj.substring(0, 12);
  numbers += _verifierDigit(numbers).toString();
  numbers += _verifierDigit(numbers).toString();

  return numbers.substring(numbers.length - 2) ==
      cnpj.substring(cnpj.length - 2);