future<T> method

FutureContext<T> future<T>(
  1. FutureOr<T> callback(), {
  2. List<Object> keys = const [],
  3. Object? name,

You can pass a callback that returns Future and wait for it.

When FutureContext is returned and Future finishes, the screen is redrawn.

If keys is different from the previous value, callback is executed again and the new FutureContext is saved.

If name is specified, it is saved as a separate type. If keys is changed, the previous state is discarded, but if name is changed, it is kept as a separate state.






FutureContext<T> future<T>(
  FutureOr<T> Function() callback, {
  List<Object> keys = const [],
  Object? name,
}) {
  return getScopedValue<FutureContext<T>, _FutureValue<T>>(
    (ref) => _FutureValue<T>(
      callback: callback,
      keys: keys,
    listen: true,
    name: name,