on method

OnContext on({
  1. FutureOr<void> initOrUpdate()?,
  2. VoidCallback? disposed,
  3. List<Object> keys = const [],

Processing in the lifecycle.

The process passed to initOrUpdate is executed the first time and when keys is passed a value different from the previous value.

initOrUpdate can return FutureOr. In that case, OnContext is returned, so the end can be detected by OnContext.initOrUpdating there, such as FutureBuilder.

If disposed is specified, you can pass the process to be executed when the widget is disposed.






OnContext on({
  FutureOr<void> Function()? initOrUpdate,
  VoidCallback? disposed,
  List<Object> keys = const [],
}) {
  return getScopedValue<OnContext, _OnValue>(
    (ref) => _OnValue(
      onInitOrUpdate: initOrUpdate,
      onDispose: disposed,
      keys: keys,