pickMultiple method

  1. @override
Future<List<PickerValue>> pickMultiple({
  1. String? dialogTitle,
  2. PickerFileType type = PickerFileType.any,

Implement a process to pick up multiple files.

The title of the file dialog to be picked up is passed in dialogTitle.

Please specify type to restrict the type of file.





Future<List<PickerValue>> pickMultiple({
  String? dialogTitle,
  PickerFileType type = PickerFileType.any,
}) async {
  switch (type) {
    case PickerFileType.image:
      final res = await FilePicker.platform.pickFiles(
        allowMultiple: true,
        dialogTitle: dialogTitle,
        type: FileType.image,
      final files = res?.files;
      if (files == null) {
        throw Exception("File not found.");
      return files.mapAndRemoveEmpty((file) {
        if (file.path == null && file.bytes == null) {
          return null;
        return PickerValue(path: file.path, bytes: file.bytes);
    case PickerFileType.video:
      final res = await FilePicker.platform.pickFiles(
        allowMultiple: true,
        dialogTitle: dialogTitle,
        type: FileType.video,
      final files = res?.files;
      if (files == null) {
        throw Exception("File not found.");
      return files.mapAndRemoveEmpty((file) {
        if (file.path == null && file.bytes == null) {
          return null;
        return PickerValue(path: file.path, bytes: file.bytes);
      final res = await FilePicker.platform.pickFiles(
        allowMultiple: true,
        dialogTitle: dialogTitle,
      final files = res?.files;
      if (files == null) {
        throw Exception("File not found.");
      return files.mapAndRemoveEmpty((file) {
        if (file.path == null && file.bytes == null) {
          return null;
        return PickerValue(path: file.path, bytes: file.bytes);