toAny method

dynamic toAny()

Converts a String to a type that can be parsed as bool, int, or double, in that order, and returns the type as is.

If it cannot be converted, it is returned as String.



final text = "100";
final any = text.toAny(); // 100 (int)
final text = "100.9";
final any = text.toAny(); // 100.9 (double)
final text = "false";
final any = text.toAny(); // false (bool)
final text = "abc100";
final any = text.toAny(); // "abc100" (String)


dynamic toAny() {
  if (isEmpty) {
    return "";
  final b = toLowerCase();
  if (b == "true") {
    return true;
  } else if (b == "false") {
    return false;
  final i = int.tryParse(this);
  if (i != null) {
    return i;
  final d = double.tryParse(this);
  if (d != null) {
    return d;
  return this;