body method

  1. @override
String body(
  1. String path,
  2. String baseName,
  3. String className

Defines the actual body code. path is passed relative to lib, baseName is the filename, and className is the filename converted to Pascal case.



String body(String path, String baseName, String className) {
  return """
/// App Localization.
/// ```dart
/// ml().xxx  // Localization for xxx.
/// ```
final ml = AppLocalize();

// TODO: Set the Google Spreadsheet URL for the translation.
version: 1,
class AppLocalize extends _\$AppLocalize {}

/// Define [${className.toPascalCase()}MasamuneAdapter] specific words and settings.
class ${className.toPascalCase()}ModuleOptions extends ModuleOptions {
const ${className.toPascalCase()}ModuleOptions();

// TODO: Define the words used in the module.

/// Define [${className.toPascalCase()}MasamuneAdapter] pages.
class ${className.toPascalCase()}ModulePages extends ModulePages {
const ${className.toPascalCase()}ModulePages({
  this.home = const HomePageQuery(),

// TODO: Define the pages.
final HomePageQuery home;

List<RouteQueryBuilder> get pages => [

/// [AppModuleMasamuneAdapter] should be compiled into a list of [MasamuneAdapters] and passed to [runMasamuneApp.masamuneAdapters].
/// ```dart
/// const module = ${className.toPascalCase()}MasamuneAdapter();
/// void main() {
///  runMasamuneApp(
///    (adapters) => MasamuneApp(
///      title: title,
///      appRef: appRef,
///      theme: theme,
///      routerConfig: router,
///      localize: l,
///      authAdapter: authAdapter,
///      modelAdapter: modelAdapter,
///      storageAdapter: storageAdapter,
///      functionsAdapter: functionsAdapter,
///      loggerAdapters: loggerAdapters,
///      masamuneAdapters: adapters,
///    ),
///    masamuneAdapters: [module],
///  );
/// ```
class ${className.toPascalCase()}MasamuneAdapter extends AppModuleMasamuneAdapter<${className.toPascalCase()}ModulePages, ${className.toPascalCase()}ModuleOptions> {
/// [AppModuleMasamuneAdapter] should be compiled into a list of [MasamuneAdapters] and passed to [runMasamuneApp.masamuneAdapters].
/// ```dart
/// const module = ${className.toPascalCase()}MasamuneAdapter();
/// void main() {
///  runMasamuneApp(
///    (adapters) => MasamuneApp(
///      title: title,
///      appRef: appRef,
///      theme: theme,
///      routerConfig: router,
///      localize: l,
///      authAdapter: authAdapter,
///      modelAdapter: modelAdapter,
///      storageAdapter: storageAdapter,
///      functionsAdapter: functionsAdapter,
///      loggerAdapters: loggerAdapters,
///      masamuneAdapters: adapters,
///    ),
///    masamuneAdapters: [module],
///  );
const ${className.toPascalCase()}MasamuneAdapter({
  required super.appRef,
  required super.auth,
  required super.router,
  required super.localize,
  required super.theme,
  required super.function,
  super.option = const ${className.toPascalCase()}ModuleOptions(), = const ${className.toPascalCase()}ModulePages(),

/// You can retrieve the [${className.toPascalCase()}MasamuneAdapter] first given by [MasamuneAdapterScope].
static ${className.toPascalCase()}MasamuneAdapter get primary {
    _primary != null,
    "${className.toPascalCase()}MasamuneAdapter is not set. Place [MasamuneAdapterScope] widget closer to the root.",
  return _primary!;

static ${className.toPascalCase()}MasamuneAdapter? _primary;

void onInitScope(MasamuneAdapter adapter) {
  if (adapter is! ${className.toPascalCase()}MasamuneAdapter) {
  _primary = adapter;

Widget onBuildApp(BuildContext context, Widget app) {
  return MasamuneAdapterScope<${className.toPascalCase()}MasamuneAdapter>(
    adapter: this,
    child: super.onBuildApp(context, app),