body method

  1. @override
String body(
  1. String path,
  2. String baseName,
  3. String className

Defines the actual body code. path is passed relative to lib, baseName is the filename, and className is the filename converted to Pascal case.



String body(String path, String baseName, String className) {
  return """
/// Immutable value.
class ${className}Value with _\$${className}Value {
const factory ${className}Value({
   // TODO: Set the data schema.
}) = _${className}Value;
const ${className}Value._();

factory ${className}Value.fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) => _\$${className}ValueFromJson(json);

/// Query for form value.
/// ```dart
/// ref.form(${className}Value.form());     // Get the form controller.
/// ```
static const form = _\$${className}ValueFormQuery();