body method
Defines the actual body code. path
is passed relative to lib
, baseName
is the filename, and className
is the filename converted to Pascal case.
String body(String path, String baseName, String className) {
final paths = path.split("/");
if (paths.length.isEven) {
path = paths.sublist(0, paths.length - 1).join("/");
return """
/// Value for model.
// TODO: Set the path for the collection.
class ${className}Model with _\$${className}Model {
const factory ${className}Model({
// TODO: Set the data schema.
}) = _${className}Model;
const ${className}Model._();
factory ${className}Model.fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) => _\$${className}ModelFromJson(json);
/// Query for document.
/// ```dart
/// appRef.model(${className}Model.document(id)); // Get the document.
///${className}Model.document(id))..load(); // Load the document.
/// ```
static const document = _\$${className}ModelDocumentQuery();
/// Query for collection.
/// ```dart
/// appRef.model(${className}Model.collection()); // Get the collection.
///${className}Model.collection())..load(); // Load the collection.
/// ${className}Model.collection().data.equal(
/// "data",
/// )
/// )..load(); // Load the collection with filter.
/// ```
static const collection = _\$${className}ModelCollectionQuery();
/// Query for form value.
/// ```dart
///${className}Model.form(${className}Model())); // Get the form controller in app scope.
///${className}Model.form(${className}Model())); // Get the form controller in page scope.
/// ```
static const form = _\$${className}ModelFormQuery();
/// [Enum] of the name of the value defined in ${className}Model.
typedef ${className}ModelKeys = _\$${className}ModelKeys;
/// Alias for ModelRef<${className}Model>.
/// When defining parameters for other Models, you can define them as follows
/// ```dart
/// @RefParam(${className}ModelDocument) ${className}ModelRef $baseName
/// ```
typedef ${className}ModelRef = ModelRef<${className}Model>?;
/// It can be defined as an empty ModelRef<${className}Model>.
/// ```dart
/// ${className}ModelRefPath("xxx") // Define as a path.
/// ```
typedef ${className}ModelRefPath = _\$${className}ModelRefPath;
/// Class for defining initial values to be passed to `initialValue` of [RuntimeModelAdapter].
/// ```dart
/// RuntimeModelAdapter(
/// initialValue: [
/// ${className}ModelInitialCollection(
/// "xxx": ${className}Model(...),
/// ),
/// ],
/// );
/// ```
typedef ${className}ModelInitialCollection = _\$${className}ModelInitialCollection;
/// Document class for storing ${className}Model.
typedef ${className}ModelDocument = _\$${className}ModelDocument;
/// Collection class for storing ${className}Model.
typedef ${className}ModelCollection = _\$${className}ModelCollection;
/// It can be defined as an empty ModelRef<${className}Model>.
/// ```dart
/// ${className}ModelMirrorRefPath("xxx") // Define as a path.
/// ```
typedef ${className}ModelMirrorRefPath = _\$${className}ModelMirrorRefPath;
/// Class for defining initial values to be passed to `initialValue` of [RuntimeModelAdapter].
/// ```dart
/// RuntimeModelAdapter(
/// initialValue: [
/// ${className}ModelMirrorInitialCollection(
/// "xxx": ${className}Model(...),
/// ),
/// ],
/// );
/// ```
typedef ${className}ModelMirrorInitialCollection = _\$${className}ModelMirrorInitialCollection;
/// Document class for storing ${className}Model.
typedef ${className}ModelMirrorDocument = _\$${className}ModelMirrorDocument;
/// Collection class for storing ${className}Model.
typedef ${className}ModelMirrorCollection = _\$${className}ModelMirrorCollection;