body method

  1. @override
String body(
  1. String path,
  2. String baseName,
  3. String className

Defines the actual body code. path is passed relative to lib, baseName is the filename, and className is the filename converted to Pascal case.



String body(String path, String baseName, String className) {
  return """
/// Page for forms to add data.
class ${className}AddPage extends FormAddPageScopedWidget {
const ${className}AddPage({

/// Used to transition to the ${className}AddPage screen.
/// ```dart
/// router.push(${className}AddPage.query(parameters));    // Push page to ${className}AddPage.
/// router.replace(${className}AddPage.query(parameters)); // Replace page to ${className}AddPage.
/// ```
static const query = _\$${className}AddPageQuery();

FormScopedWidget build(BuildContext context, PageRef ref) =>
    const ${className}Form();

/// Page for forms to edit data.
class ${className}EditPage extends FormEditPageScopedWidget {
const ${className}EditPage({
  @PageParam("edit_id") required super.editId,

/// Used to transition to the ${className}EditPage screen.
/// ```dart
/// router.push(${className}EditPage.query(parameters));    // Push page to ${className}EditPage.
/// router.replace(${className}EditPage.query(parameters)); // Replace page to ${className}EditPage.
/// ```
static const query = _\$${className}EditPageQuery();

FormScopedWidget build(BuildContext context, PageRef ref) =>
    const ${className}Form();

/// Widgets for form views.
class ${className}Form extends FormScopedWidget {
const ${className}Form({super.key});

/// Used to transition to the ${className}AddPage screen.
/// ```dart
/// router.push(${className}Form.addQuery(parameters));    // Push page to ${className}AddPage.
/// router.replace(${className}Form.addQuery(parameters)); // Replace page to ${className}AddPage.
/// ```
static const addQuery = ${className}AddPage.query;

/// Used to transition to the ${className}EditPage screen.
/// ```dart
/// router.push(${className}Form.editQuery(parameters));    // Push page to ${className}EditPage.
/// router.replace(${className}Form.editQuery(parameters)); // Replace page to ${className}EditPage.
/// ```
static const editQuery = ${className}EditPage.query;

Widget build(BuildContext context, FormRef ref) {
  // Describes the process of loading
  // and defining variables required for the page.
  // You can use [ref.isAdding] or [ref.isEditing] to determine if the form is currently adding new data or editing data.
  // If editing is in progress, it is possible to get the ID of the item being edited with [ref.editId].
  // TODO: Implement the variable loading process.

  // Describes the structure of the page.
  // TODO: Implement the view.
  return \${5:UniversalScaffold()};