nearestOrNull method

DateTime? nearestOrNull(
  1. DateTime point

Get the closest DateTime to point in the DateTime array.

If the array is empty, Null is returned.



final dateTimeArray = [
  DateTime(2022, 12, 20),
  DateTime(2022, 12, 28),
  DateTime(2023, 1, 12),
final nearest = dateTimeArray.nearestOrNull(DateTime(2022, 12, 22)); // DateTime(2022, 12, 20)


DateTime? nearestOrNull(DateTime point) {
  if (isEmpty) {
    return null;
  DateTime? res;
  int? tmpPoint;
  final pointMilliseconds = point.millisecondsSinceEpoch;
  for (final tmp in this) {
    final tmpMilliseconds = tmp.millisecondsSinceEpoch;
    if (tmpMilliseconds == pointMilliseconds) {
      return tmp;
    final p = (pointMilliseconds - tmpMilliseconds).abs();
    if (tmpPoint == null || p < tmpPoint) {
      res = tmp;
      tmpPoint = p;
  return res;