setWhere<K extends Object> method

Iterable<K> setWhere<K extends Object>(
  1. Iterable<T> others, {
  2. required bool test(
    1. T original,
    2. T other
  3. required K? apply(
    1. T original,
    2. T other
  4. K? orElse(
    1. T original

If others is given to Iterable and the return value of test is true, the return value of apply is replaced with the corresponding value of Iterable.

If no element is found in others for which the return value of test is true, it is replaced by the return value of orElse.

If orElse is not given, the element is deleted.




final colors = <Map<String, dynamic>>[
  {"id": 1, "color": "red"},
  {"id": 2, "color": "green"},
  {"id": 5, "color": "yellow"}
final fruits =  <Map<String, dynamic>>[
  {"id": 1, "fruits": "strawberry"},
  {"id": 3, "fruits": "orange"},
  {"id": 5, "fruits": "banana"}
final merged = colors.setWhere(
  test: (original, other) => original["id"] == other["id"],
  apply: (original, other) => original..["fruits"] = other["fruits"],
); // [{"id": 1, "color": "red", "fruits": "strawberry"}, {"id": 5, "color": "yellow", "fruits": "banana"}]


Iterable<K> setWhere<K extends Object>(
  Iterable<T> others, {
  required bool Function(T original, T other) test,
  required K? Function(T original, T other) apply,
  K? Function(T original)? orElse,
}) {
  final tmp = <K>[];
  for (final original in this) {
    final res = others.firstWhereOrNull((item) =>, item));
    if (res != null) {
      final applied =, res);
      if (applied != null) {
    } else {
      final applied = orElse?.call(original);
      if (applied != null) {
  return tmp;