ShippingAddress class

KO: 배송지 정보
EN: Shipping address information

  • @JsonSerializable(fieldRename: FieldRename.snake, includeIfNull: false)


baseAddress String?
KO: 우편번호 검색 시 채워지는 기본 주소
EN: Base address that is automatically input when searching for a zipcode
getter/setter pair
detailAddress String?
KO: 기본 주소에 추가하는 상세 주소
EN: Detailed address that a user adds to the base address
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
id int
KO: 배송지 ID
EN: Shipping address ID
getter/setter pair
isDefault bool
KO: 기본 배송지 여부
EN: Whether shipping address is default
getter/setter pair
name String?
KO: 배송지 이름
EN: Name of shipping address
getter/setter pair
receiverName String?
KO: 수령인 이름
EN: Recipient name
getter/setter pair
receiverPhoneNumber1 String?
KO: 수령인 연락처
EN: Recipient phone number
getter/setter pair
receiverPhoneNumber2 String?
KO: 수령인 추가 연락처
EN: Additional recipient phone number
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
type String?
KO: 배송지 타입 (OLD: 구주소 | NEW: 신주소)
EN: Shipping address type (OLD: Administrative address | NEW: Road name address)
getter/setter pair
updatedAt DateTime?
KO: 수정 시각
EN: Updated time
getter/setter pair
zipCode String?
KO: 구주소 우편번호
EN: Old type of 6-digit postal code for an administrative address system
getter/setter pair
zoneNumber String?
KO: 신주소 우편번호
EN: 5-digit postal code for a road name address system
getter/setter pair


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.