listen abstract method

Future<PactResponse> listen({
  1. required PactListenRequest request,
  2. String? chainId,
  3. String? nodeUrl,
  4. String? networkId,
  5. String? url,

Listen for a pact command to be included in a block This will block until the command has been committed to a block. The chainId is the chainId to execute the command on. It is required if url is not provided. The nodeUrl and the networkId are used to override the defaults set by setNodeUrl and setNetworkId when building the url for the pact api. The url is the full node url, example: If url is provided, the chainId is not required.


Future<PactResponse> listen({
  required PactListenRequest request,
  String? chainId,
  String? nodeUrl,
  String? networkId,
  String? url,