errorText property

String? get errorText

get errorText

null when field has no error or quietlyValidate


String? get errorText => !enabled ||
        (_formeState?.quietlyValidate ?? false) ||
    ? null
    : _status.validation.error;
set errorText (String? errorText)

if errorText is null , reset validation if errorText not null , set custom error text even though field has no validators at all

field will rebuild after this method called , a validation may be performed during building. in this case , custom validation will be overwritten by new validation.

will not worked on disabled fields

see FormeFieldState.isCustomValidation

see FormeField.validationFilter


set errorText(String? errorText) {
  if (!enabled) {
  final FormeFieldValidation validation;
  if (errorText == null) {
    validation = _initialValidation;
  } else {
    validation = _CustomValidation.invalid(errorText);
  if (_status.validation != validation) {
    setState(() {
      _status = _status._copyWith(validation: FormeOptional(validation));