JSObjectMakeConstructor top-level property

JSObjectRef Function(JSContextRef ctx, JSClassRef jsClass, Pointer<NativeFunction<JSObjectCallAsConstructorCallback>> callAsConstructor) JSObjectMakeConstructor

Convenience method for creating a JavaScript constructor. ctx The execution context to use. jsClass A JSClass that is the class your constructor will assign to the objects its constructs. jsClass will be used to set the constructor's .prototype property, and to evaluate 'instanceof' expressions. Pass NULL to use the default object class. callAsConstructor A JSObjectCallAsConstructorCallback to invoke when your constructor is used in a 'new' expression. Pass NULL to use the default object constructor. @result A JSObject that is a constructor. The object's prototype will be the default object prototype. @discussion The default object constructor takes no arguments and constructs an object of class jsClass with no private data. If the constructor is inherited via JS subclassing and the value returned from callAsConstructor was created with jsClass, then the returned object will have it's prototype overridden to the derived class's prototype.


final JSObjectRef Function(JSContextRef ctx, JSClassRef jsClass, Pointer<NativeFunction<JSObjectCallAsConstructorCallback>> callAsConstructor) JSObjectMakeConstructor = jscLib
    .lookup<NativeFunction<JSObjectRef Function(JSContextRef ctx, JSClassRef jsClass, Pointer<NativeFunction<JSObjectCallAsConstructorCallback>> callAsConstructor)>>('JSObjectMakeConstructor')