JSON Utility Kit

A minimal utility kit for working with JSON in a type-safe manner.

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By default, Dart offers very little in the way of JSON parsing and serialization. While upcoming features like macros^1 are promising, they are not yet available (as of 2024-03-1). This package uses a (at the time of writing) new language feature, extension types to provide lightweight, type-safe JSON parsing:

import 'package:jsonut/jsonut.dart';

void main() {
  final string = '{"name": "John Doe", "age": 42}';
  final person = JsonObject.parse(string);
  print(person['name'].string()); // John Doe
  print(person['age'].number()); // 42

^1: Macros could be used to enhance this package once available!


  • 🦺 Typesafe: JSON parsing and serialization is type-safe and easy to use.
  • 💨 Lightweight: No dependencies, code generation, or reflection.
  • 💪🏽 Flexible: Parse lazily or validate eagerly, as needed.
  • 🚫 No Bullshit: Use as little or as much as you need.

Getting Started

Simply add the package to your pubspec.yaml:

  jsonut: ^0.1.0

Or use the command line:

dart pub add jsonut
flutter packages add jsonut

Or, even just copy paste the code (a single .dart file) into your project:

curl -o lib/jsonut.dart https://raw.githubusercontent.com/matanlurey/jsonut/main/lib/jsonut.dart


A minimal utility kit for working with JSON in a type-safe manner.