jsonByteWriter function

JsonWriter<List<int>> jsonByteWriter(
  1. Sink<List<int>> sink, {
  2. Encoding encoding = utf8,
  3. bool? asciiOnly,

Creates a JsonSink which builds a byte representation of the JSON structure.

The bytes are written to sink, which is closed when a complete JSON value / object structure has been written.

If asciiOnly is true, string values will escape any non-ASCII character. If false or unspecified and encoding is utf8, only control characters are escaped.

The resulting byte representation is a minimal JSON text with no whitespace between tokens.


JsonWriter<List<int>> jsonByteWriter(Sink<List<int>> sink,
    {Encoding encoding = utf8, bool? asciiOnly}) {
  return JsonByteWriter(sink, encoding: encoding, asciiOnly: false);