encodeBoxDecoration static method

Map<String, dynamic>? encodeBoxDecoration(
  1. BoxDecoration? value

Encodes the given value into a JSON compatible map. This produces a Map in the following format:

  "backgroundBlendMode": <BlendMode>,
  "border": <BoxBorder>,
  "borderRadius": <BorderRadius>,
  "boxShadow": <BoxShadow[]>
  "color": <Color>,
  "image": <DecorationImage>,
  "gradient": <Gradient>,
  "shape": <BoxShape>

A value of null will result in null being returned.

See also:


static Map<String, dynamic>? encodeBoxDecoration(BoxDecoration? value) {
  Map<String, dynamic>? result;

  if (value != null) {
    result = {
      'backgroundBlendMode': encodeBlendMode(value.backgroundBlendMode),
      'border': encodeBoxBorder(value.border as Border?),
      'borderRadius': encodeBorderRadius(value.borderRadius as BorderRadius?),
      'boxShadow': _encodeList(
        (value) => encodeBoxShadow(value),
      'color': encodeColor(value.color),
      'image': encodeDecorationImage(value.image),
      'gradient': encodeGradient(value.gradient),
      'shape': encodeBoxShape(value.shape),

  return _stripNull(result);